
DM - Infectious Diseases (Direct 6 years)

  • 1 Colleges

Infectious Diseases is a kind of disease, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, pathogens, fungi and parasites that may cause illness and disease. .

Infectious Diseases is a kind of disease, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, pathogens, fungi and parasites that may cause illness and disease. For Humans, Transmission of this kind of disease may occur in many ways. Such as spreading from person to person by direct contact, water or food borne illness or aerosolization can infect a person in the environment or by any insects such as mosquitoes or ticks. Signs, symptoms and treatment of infectious diseases on the person and the pathogen are recognizable through their inhabitants or illness. Viral hepatitis, tuberculosis and influenza are the leading causes of illness and also caused many deaths in the US and spreading over the world rapidly. These kinds of diseases are globally common, some infectious diseases strike more according to the person's immunity strength and weaknesses. Advances in Infectious Disease (AID) is an international journal that decided to make the latest developments in Infectious Diseases. The main reason is to provide a platform for researchers and academics all over the globe to promote, share and discuss various new developments and issues of infectious diseases related problems. The global organization of health and care management is aiming to develop their research and solve problems related to infectious diseases. Emergency and re-emergence of infectious diseases brought several factors for developments.

DM - Infectious Diseases is a programme, designed to train physicians to become specialists in the management of infectious diseases. The specific objectives are, Clinical skills that help students to perform in clinical examinations, order diagnosis tests and council and manage patients. Teaching skills, where students can get exposed to teaching methods. Research skills help to know about basic knowledge and skills to function as individual investigators, translational and clinical research. Group Approach, every student should be able to approach or interact with various departments to provide patients centered holistic care, able to lead the team workers in their sector or department for the health care. The course basically enables students to understand more about how the body's immune system responds to a virus or disease as well as how to prevent the disease and improve its system. And to discover and monitor the working efficiency of approved treatments in the real world. They give an in-depth explanation of the process to research about any individual issue of health and care. This consists of the study about the infectious diseases of bacteria, viral, fungal and parasitic. Students also get to know formal interaction, clinical experience and other opportunities to gain knowledge in some great skills like etiology, pathogens, epidemiology, different diagnosis and management and prevention of disorders pertaining to organ system and pathogens. Upper respiratory tract infections, thermoregulation and pathogenesis, urinary tract infections, lung abscess, food poisoning, enteric fever, CNS infections and many viral diseases. This makes students know about infectious diseases over the globe and also new developments to research about the future diseases which may affect in upcoming days. 

The student who wants to get into this course, needs to have practical knowledge of infections encountered in oncology, obstetrics & gynecology, surgery and in other specialties. To be completed a degree, followed by four-years in medical college. The course requires 24 months minimum, 20 months for supervised clinical rotations & 4 months for thesis or electives. The options are highly scoped in this field such as Epidemiologist, Medical scientists and public health educator.
